Friday, May 19, 2017

Black Swan Green Blog post #16 Heroism

So what makes a hero?
A hero is someone who is alway's around to help those in need. They are people who help others and they can be anyone. I like Mumen rider even if he sucks (A reference) at fighting, but he does help others, like helping old ladies cross a street or to help a cat off of a tree. Even if he's terrible at fighting the monsters away and the evil enemies, he is always there for people and he does it off good will. He has accepted that he is trash but still continues on his task as a Hero. Heroes are typically Courageous or Brave, they are also typically kind and they have very good tolerance. Now, in the Novel "Black Swan Green" by David Mitchell we learn about Jason taylor and his 13 year old experiences in his little village.  He does many reckless things and he does many things that can be accountable of being called a hero. So, is Jason Taylor a hero? Yes! He shows many traits of the typical heroes and he is a good boy at heart.
This is mumen Rider BTW
(He's not much to look at but he is a pretty good willed person)
He can be considered a hero for his considerate actions in "Spooks" when he went back to check on Dean Moran when the members told him not to.  Jason has an internal conflict before doing so and says to himself,"A fact sunk a hook into me. If I'd fallen through Mr. Blake's greenhouse and not Moran, Moran wouldn't be abandoning me to that psycho.". Jason is shown to be thinking about His friend Dean and he want's to go back even if it means not being a part of spooks anymore (He got kicked out). He eventually goes to check on Dean and it can be considered heroism and Jason can be a hero to Dean Moran since he decided to go back for him where a normal person (Like me) would have ditched him (Again, me).

Jason Also returning Ross Wilcox's wallet was very considerate since Ross is one of the biggest D-bag in all of Black Swan Green. Jason find the twat's wallet in Black Swan green's annual Goose Fair and he had 600 pounds in it (Pounds or something i dunno). This is a lot of dough and Jason decided to keep it. After a while in the Goose Fair, he decides to return it to Ross due to hearing about his father's ferocity. The man was said to have beaten his wife black and blue all over for losing stamps, and not a giant pack of 'em, Just five of them. This man is willing to do something like that to his wife, then imagine what will happen to Ross, and that what was going on inside of Jason's head. He decides to go to the forest and his subconscious tells him that "he isn't here", but he found and Ross got back his wallet. He was one of the most ungrateful piece of trash i've ever seen (read) and even threatened him if he stole any of the money. He then went on on saying something along the lines of, "So you want me to kiss your ass or something?" Jason only says poor kid. Jason is tolerant and very nice towards Ross for giving him back his wallet since most people would have kept it and been happy to see him get beaten up by his father while they're at it. Jason can be considered Ross's hero since he basically saved him from being sent to the next world by his father. No one else would have done what Jason had did. He is a true Hero (Or Just kind :P)

Lastly! In the chapter "Disco" Jason break's Neal Brose's (A Bully) calculator as a way to get back at him and to show him that he isn't afraid of him. Hell, he even grassed on him to the Headmaster and got him expelled (Or something like that). He has became the hero of the other kids that Neal Brose picked on since he had the Courage to stand up against him and get him into a deep deep deep hole. Jason can be considered these kids heroes since he built up courage to something that not your run-of-the-mill kid would do. He is shown respect since then since he kinda felt powerful. He saved the lepers from having to  pay him anymore money for his "Popularity Lessons" and he has been removed. Jason is a hero in all these parts, and Just because he isn't very consistent, it doesn't mean he isn't a hero. At the very least, Jason is a hero at Heart.


  1. The Ross Wilcox paragraph isn't in my paper, but i it came up in my mind and i felt the need to write about it since it is a very good example.

  2. I appreciate your acknowledgement towards Jason's heroical acts because many people believe that he isn't a hero. However, you provided evidence to support your claim that Jason is a hero. I admire the way you used that evidence.
