Sunday, April 2, 2017

Blog #11 (Black Swan Green) Solarium Thoughts and Reactions + Summary

Directions: For the "Solarium"blog, write al least one paragraph describing your reaction, thoughts and any questions you may have in regards to this chapter

            So, the story revolves around Jason going to a Vicarage to discuss his "Work"(Poems). Jason wasn't directly invited, but Eliot Bolivar was. Jason was expecting to meet a vicar because the place he was at was known to be very serious and it is a place children shouldn't be. Jason meets an old man who opened the door for him and his role is apparently to that of a butler. The man leads Jason through the Vicarage to someone else called Madame Crommelynck. She tells him about the REAL vicars and asks him if he will drink a little. Unborn Twin (Sorta one of Jasons Personas) says a whole glass which kind of makes me chuckle. But you probably don't care about what i think. Jason declines and Madame Crommelynck proceeds to talk about his work. She reads "Rocks" first and says that this relates to a war and the situation with the parents. She tells Jason that he is too timid to cut his umbilical cords. This just simply means that Jason is too shy to express himself in real life, but in his poetry he is free to do however he pleases. She also finds Jason's work as garbage since he uses a lot of beautiful words in "Back Garden" which ruins a poem (What she thinks, i don't know jack $#!@ about poems). Madame Crommelynck goes in depth about what beauty is and where one could find it. She says that beauty is a distraction like cosmetics. She says that if he has a Magnolia tree, would he paint the flowers and decorate it with all sort of nonsense. She says that he might find her as crazy, but the Magnolia tree does not need a poet to exist as it already exists. She says that it goes the same with poems as it already exist,  it just needs words to create it and that is where poets come since they create the poems. So it could easily go with beauty as it is everywhere so it must be presented in some way. I feel that Beauty if whatever you know? It could be anything since beauty can take an infinite number of shapes. It can be in the form of looks, or voice, or taste( and more these are just the things i can think of). It also varies from one's perspective as someone probably won't find a girl as hot(Very unlikely) as i would see them... that was a bad example. Someone won't find the Zebra Finch as beautiful and majestic as me since i had experiences with one and found out many things about the little critter.  What i'm trying to say is that much like the poem that exist before it is made through words, beauty is everywhere(and yes, even in dark alleys or a slaughter house....just don't go there) because it is hiding in plain sight. You just got to take a deeper look into things to find it. (Not sure if this is in the discussion in class because i don't pay attention to those). Madame Crommelynck also talks that an amateur thinks that his work creates beauty where a "Master" feels that his work is only a throne where beauty will rest on. She goes on about this for about three more pages (not really necessary). She also mentioned that she was beautiful when she was younger and people fought each other just to claim her "beauty" and then tells him to leave and return the following week at the same time to proceed with this discussion.

             Jason then comes back and he says that the "butler" took longer than the last time. He is greeted to come in again and he takes a view of the insides again. He looks at all the room and it makes him think of all the rooms that he has been at the past and future (Maybe this kid is stoned). He then sees Madame Crommelynck sitting with her eyes closed listening to music. Jason finds this music to be very nice and thinks of it to be in a way out of this world. The two proceed and the two talk about Jason's pseudonym. Eva (Madame Crommelynck from now on .-.) says that he uses the name as a way to cover the shame of writing poems. She feels that the name Jason is better as it reminds her of a heroine who did good in European literature. Jason says that he uses a pseudonym because the doesn't want the guys of Black Swan Green to find out he writes poem since they will be out to get him and he drop in the social hierarchy (Eva figures this out).When Jason cracks and talks truthfully, Eva says that he is talking like a true poet. This most likely(Definitely) means that in Eva's eyes, a true poet writes about the truth and is open about what they write and represent in their writing. Eva tells Jason that if only he knows about his poems and if he hides it to his lover. Eva then gets Jason to crack about his loved one (Dawn Madden)  but before that happened Jason says he doesn't have a girlfriend and Eva responds with "You prefer boys?". This part made me laugh for a good probably don't care. When Jason tells Eva about Dawn, Eva asked if her boyfriend was either a poet or a "Barbarian" and Jason responds with  saying that ross is a prat, not a poet and if she was suggestion that he write a poem to Dawn Madden it would be no. They go on a bit about it and then a phone rings. I probably shouldn't care but what was the call about? I feel that it is somewhat responsible for what happens later on. Maybe i am just digging for gold but there is nothing but dirt. Eva tells Jason that poems can be anything, but they always speak the truth. She says that our eyes are clouded by everyday things, included television. She says that Poets throw away everything but the truth away. Jason tells Eva her phone is ringing and Eva couldn't care less since she was focused on talking to Jason. Jason says that his parents would have ran sonic fast if they thought the phone was ringing, so when Eva ignored the phone caller it made Jason a tad bit happy. Eva brings up a new topic, if a poem is free of falseness, is it truly beautiful. Jason tried to understand. I think (Know) that it would really depend on the readers perspective as (S)he might not appreciate it as another person would remember what i said about the hot girl? Yeah that's what i mean. Eva then talks about Hangman being Jason's best poem as it tells the readers the truth of something painful towards Jason, his stammering problem. Eva suggests that if he writes, he should put it under his name and if he is afraid of publishing, he shouldn't write at all. Eva says that poets write under some of the harshest conditions, so it wouldn't be all that bad if all he got was torment from his peers (Hairy Barbarians). Eva's father was mentioned and Ea says that she had many things to ask of her father as they did not hang out as much since she only saw him occasionally. Eva then talks a bit about the past... i won't talk about this since i couldn't really give much of a hoot. Eva then talks about how her parents perished and she says it was mercy for her mother's death  since she didn't have to witness the destruction of Zedelgem. Jason was asked if he understood his parents marriage and he was very honest. Jason feels like a burden since he isn't very fond of his speech impediment and that if it was gone, his parents's marriage would be sunnier. Eva then talks about Robert Frobisher who created the music from earlier and that she can't forgive this girl for partially causing Roberts death even if she wants to. Eva then proceeds to go on about Robert and then brings up Jason's "Teachers". She was disgusted by what he presented her and suggests Le Grand Meaulnes which was written in french. Jason informs her that he doesn't know much french and he was assigned the task of translating the first paragraph.

       Jason returns all excited and optimistic about what he and Eva will discuss. When someone else opens the door, Jason got a bit confused. It was the Vicar and his wife (The wife seems like a complete BI***). Jason gives his identity and the two recognized him. He realized that Madame Crommelynck and the "Butler" aren't there and was informed that they were called away (They were arrested) and the WIFE says that they are "gone" as they will never come back. He asked about the butler and he quickly realized that the butler was the husband of Madame Crommelynck. WHen Jason leaves he starts to internally break down. He says that the Crommelynck will be in German police cells (All you need to know it that it is the husbands fault) and that he was still terrible at poetry. He starts to doubt what he has been doing. He questions things. I feel bad for Jason. When this kind of things happened, I try to spring back up even I can't (Like when i stub my toe). It was a real shame too because the two were really developing some kind of bond. They were very similar since they had many things in common. That sucks i guess, but there is no changing it. I feel kind of optimistic, i predict (Spoiling) that Jason will be saddened but something will happen that will change Jason's view and make him spring back into action.


  1. The gif is just to get your attention and maybe get you people to read my work. Soz that it took so long to make this one, i\I kind of slacked off when i got on the computer by playing games rather than doing work. I did it now and i created post for spooks.

  2. Nice post! Took me like 10 minutes to read this lol. I'm just going to point out my favorite part of this post, which was the inference you made towards the symbolism of the magnolia tree. Yes, Jason's poems are very beautiful, but he tries too hard to make it seem beautiful when they are beautiful just the way they are. Also, as much as I like your post, I think that most of it is more of summary than your thoughts and feelings. Maybe (just a suggestion) try only summarizing events that you made inferences on instead of the whole chapter. It's good, in a way, to teach those people who are too lazy to read to actually read the chapter instead of your blog lol :)

    1. That's why i make it so long. lol To give lazy people (Including me) a more or less decent summary of the WHOLE text. I leave out really unimportant things. One thing. Why the heck is a thirteen-year old kid trying to recognize beauty when his hormones go crazy when he goes near some dumb girls. He should focus on other things. like the spooks...
