Sunday, April 2, 2017

Blog #10 (Black Swan Green) Spooks: Thoughts and Reaction + summary

           First things first. This should have came before the prompt. So the Story starts off when Jason is tying sting to Mr. Blakes door to prank him. Jason is doing this with other folks (I forgot their names). I think it was Ross Wilcox, Gary Drake, Pluto Noak and someone else i can't remember. They manage to get it done and the prank starts. This is risky on the pranksters side as Mr. Drake is known to be the "Child Beater of Black Swan Green" and it was rumored that he killed his own son. They got a good laugh off things and Mr. Blake knows that something is wrong. When they found out the guy was going to find out they witch to something else. They pretend to be near and talk about selling Tom yew's car to not look like they were the ones pranking the old guy. Mr. Blake blames them and they run it around by insulting him (More or less).  They start jabbing at him when they mention his title as "Child Beater" and start saying that he keeps beating up his kids. Mr. Blake threatens to call the cops and some more Insults come his way. This is pretty much what happened (Maybe more I keep forgetting) and it is amusing for me since the guys are getting a good laugh off messing with a old man. It is totally fine to Jab at a most likely emotionally broken man (Wife died and son is missing) and get away with it.

            The following day, the words of Jason tying the knot got around pretty quickly. In school he felt like one of the cool kids since he got "Special Treatment" that he wouldn't have received if it was normal. Jason enjoys the wonders of gaining popularity (All he ever wanted) and when he opens his pencil case (Or book case) he finds an invitation for the spooks to join them. He has to go to the grave yard at eight that day. Jason is pretty much happy about this since for his, this is a once in a life time opportunity to move up in the social hierarchy which means that he will experience a great day everyday. I feel a bit happy towards Jason for this as he is finally getting to experience the cool guy life in school, but i feel a bit down by it too since it will  most likely not last that long for him.

          Jason goes to the graveyard and he meets some one else who was there. It was Dean Moran and it seems that he too got invited to join the spooks. They obviously won't join that easily since they will have to complete a test in order to get in. Jason is dumbfounded by Dean Moran being there as he just isn't "Spooks Material" which isn't very nice as Dean is pretty much Jason's best buddy. Dean found the Spooks members and then they began the who test thing. They have to get past six back gardens in under fifteen minutes or else they won't get in and they will never have a chance to do so ever again. I could care less since Jason honestly shouldn't hang around these tough as nail guys since he isn't spooks material like Dean. Jason is too emotional and it is shown twice later in his test. When Jason goes up he manages to get by alright without being seen, but when he finds out there is a pregnant lady near him, he tries to be quiet or else the baby will be premature. He doesn't want the baby to end up like Squelch tho got out of him mother too soon. This goes to show that if Jason was Spooks material, he would have zoomed by and completed but still be cautious to not be caught since that is one of the rules. WHen Jason completed the challenge with ten seconds to spare he is congratulated by the fellow spooks member. This doesn't last long as they hear Moran falling down from where Mr. Blake lives. The spooks make fun of him and Jason wants to check up on him. He says that if he feel instead of Dean, dean would have came back for Jason. Jason decides to tell the spooks if they should check on him which was basically saying, "Guys i'm not spooks material since i care about what happened to Dean where i should be like you guys and not give a pea.". On Jason's side this took a lot of guts since he would kill to be in the spooks, but his feeling of empathy overpowered his greed which made him ask. When they shrug it off Jason goes back to Dean to check on him. The spooks told him not to, but he continued on. I think he got kicked or he is on thin ice. Jason just isn't spooks material and he will never be since he cares too much about others and that is fine. I'm sure Jason has no regrets since Dean would have done the same for him if he fell down.

      This chapter was like Bridle Path. It was funny at parts, but there a couple of serious bits. I liked Spooks and it made me laugh. JAson finally receives his well earned recognition and fame, but it dies down when he goes back to check on Moran. I have nothing to say other than Good chapter and Dean should have been left behind. Since he would only lose one friend rather than losing a whole lot for going back to him.

1 comment:

  1. This is the one post that is just filled with spider webs and dust... made this one out of habit. Not needed though
