Monday, March 27, 2017

Blog #9 (Black Swan Green) Spooks prompt

Prompt:Jason successfully completes the test to be admitted into the ultra-popular, ultra-secret society of the Spooks; but his friend Dean Moran doesn't have such luck. Why does go back to help Dean? Was it the right choice? How does this decision develop Jason's character?

So this is pretty simple, one thing about these prompts though. It is holding me back, can't really say much you know? I can't be myself and it limits my IMAGINATION which is kind of offending... not really. Jason goes back when the spook members insult the poor sap and a sudden fact jolted through his mind. The text states, "A fact sunk a hook into me. If I'd fallen through Mr. Blakes greenhouse and not Moran, Moran wouldn't be abandoning me to that psycho.He just wouldn't" and then Jason proceeds to say, " 'Ploot?' Pluto Noak and the spooks turned around 'Isn't any one going to...' Saying this was miles more difficult than running across people's back gardens. '... Make sure Moran's'- Hangman jammed 'not hurt'- 'I mean, what if he's bust a leg or...cut to bits on glass?'". This all took some incredible guts from Jason to say this to the spook members as they didn't care for Moran and he felt the need to help Moran. From what i can gather with my INFINITE KNOWLEDGE  is that Jason feels that he should go check on Dean Moran even if it means being soft in front of the spooks since Dean would do the same for Jason, which kind of shows that they are pretty good friends. I say this because Jason stopped thinking about his popularity, but rather his friend Moran.(I would have ditched my bud, can always get more from popularity.... I'm horrible). I can't really decide if it is a good or bad choice, but in terms of how it's going to look for Jason... I would say a bad choice (He did good by going to Moran) if he wanted to be popular. Jason blew his chance of spooks and popularity since the spooks members have a "Just don't care" attitude of things, meaning that Jason isn't Spooks material in terms of mentality. This decision develops JAson as a Kind character. He could have left Moran there with Mr. Blake (A.k.a child beater of Black Swan Green), but he decides to go see if he's alright. JAson is kind hearted, so even if he wants to be a spooks he just can't since he is too soft and emotional. This is also supported when he is trying to complete is challenge, but stops to think of other things and one including Squelch when he was mentioned (Also trying to be quiet when moving because there was a pregnant lady near him) where he should have focused on his task. Like i said, Jason is not SPOOKS MATERIAL. Thoughts,Reactions+Sumarry comming soon.


  1. You don't have to limit your imagination.. I love reading your blogs. Would you state Jason as 'kind' at this point or liberate (from himself) to do what he literally means to do; as in being himself more like refrain from 'fitting in' sorta?

    1. I don't limit my imagination, these prompts limit them since I got to focus on one topic rather than discussing other topics equally interesting. I couldn't mention the pranking or popularity received in this post .
