Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog #4 (Black Swan Green) Central idea

 Blog Prompt:How does David Mitchell develop a central idea throughout the chapter of "Hangman"? Think about Jason's feelings towards Hangman and why he feels that way.

The central idea that is being shown throughout Hangman is that Jason has a stammering problem that does not allow him to be himself. This is shown throughout the whole chapter and is referred to as "Hangman" since a game of Hangman is when Jason stammering problem began. Jason is somewhat fearful towards Hangman since he doesn't know when it will strike since it sometimes lies dormant and doesn't show itself. Jason has had this problem for basically five years and he still can't get the hang of his stammering problem, he does know certain things about his stammering problem and he calls it, "Hangman's Four Commandments". Jason himself even accepts that stammering prevents him from being normal as he says that Stammerers "can't win arguments" and another thing is that stammering prevents Jason from socializing without looking like a idiot. This is also shown since Jason has to read off a book that is sure to have many stammer-words and will have his stammering secret exposed. Since he has stammering problems, he will firstly be teased and made an outcast(Basically drop to peasant rank in social hierarchy) and secondly have his secret exposed(Being a stammerer).


  1. Made this one short and sweet....could have been a whole page again

  2. i agree with you when it prevent him from being himself

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Leo great analysis and references to the text! Next time I would just add at least 2 pieces of evidence to support your response. Other than that, great response 🙂👍

  5. I enjoyed your response to the prompt. It was very informative and I especially how you were able to condense your thoughts and still use evidence at the same time.

  6. Just finished Bridle Path, expect a page or two cause a lot of good stuff happened :)
    I'll try to shorten it as much but, there's so much

  7. Shouldn't Jason just face his fears? Be himself?

  8. I was thinking that, but Jason won't really go anywhere since Hangman is like one of those bosses with no weakness or like fighting a stone golem with a stick. He needs help from others in order to over come his challenge (In his case, a speech therapist) or else he will end up failing. He fears that if his stammering problem is revealed, he will be deemed a outcast, so he can't really
    have a second chance if he fails to overcome his challenge. I need more sleep...
