Sunday, March 12, 2017

Blog # 5 (Black Swan Green) Relatives thoughts and ideas + summary

So This chapter was somewhat boring but others can see it another way. We(The readers) were introduced to five new characters. Jason's three cousins, Hugo, Nigel, and Alex who are all different in their own way. Hugo is characterized by Jason as a cool guy who's laid back and all chill and Jason aspires to be like him someday. Nigel is characterized as the kid who doesn't say much and sticks to his Rubik's cube that he play with. Alex was the smartest one as Uncle Brian(He's also new) brags about him getting A's and B's and even rewards him money for it,(I wish i were Alex. I'd be getting $100 or more :D) If my memory serves correctly, Alex received twenty of something currency of that place for every A he received and half of that for every B that he receives. He also mentions Uncle Brain and Aunt Alice. Throughout the whole chapter, Jason is like a servant to his relatives as his parent want them to be please or something. Julia didn't even help out when they came, she just shut her door close. When they were all eating Jason's mother mentions Jason getting a reward for his poems and Jason tries to avoid it since he wants to appear cool in front of hugo and not look like a loser. Julia saves Jason from his problem by changing the subject by insulting Alex (Something about him not being ale to understand high level poems). After the Dinner, Jason plays Darts with his two cousins Hugo and Nigel.When they finished with the DInner, Jason eavesdropped on a conversation between Aunt Alice and his mother. They mention the Mysterious phone calls and Jason's mother says that if it hadn't been for the incident with Jason father five and a half year ago or sometime around there (Literally what she says). Jason's mother also mentions that she can't just ask her husband about the problem since it was "like digging up a grave" . This rises suspicion for me, first off, What incident happened and how did that result in the "Phantom" phone calls occurring. Another thing is why does the mother not want to mention this to her husband, is she afraid of what he will respond with? After this Jason finds Hugo and Nigel playing darts and join them. Jason viewed this as an opportunity to study Hugo more intently without getting caught.(Studying in plain sight...Genius!) He proceeds to play darts and Hugo teases Nigel for not being able to throw the darts and says that people who can't throw straight are homosexuals. Nigel storms out with tears flooding his eyes after Hugo then insults him some more.They bet with a little game of darts and after Jason won and lost the second time, Aunt Alice comes in asking why Nigel was crying. Hugo plays it off acting like he didn't know since he just gave Nigel some "pointers". Hugo and JAson then go outside to buy some things, Hugo steals some cigarettes and pressured JAson to smoke, JAson ultimately fails and feels ashamed that he couldn't even smoke one cigarette when Hugo is trying to teach him. It seems that Jason just couldn't fit in with the crowd and it.


  1. IS this one too long again? I made it based off memory and the notes i took :I SO might miss a couple parts. The unimportant parts i skipped over since it's meaningless

  2. It isn't that long. You've summarize the point really good. Especially I like the part of Jason's family dynamics. That is really very interesting. I am looking forward to find out the mystery. I am sure this is not going in a good direction.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Glad i managed to shorten the explaination and still keep the important parts :D

  3. How is Jason and Julia's dynamic evolving?

    1. Here we can see that Julia still helps out Jason in times of need which implies that she cares about him, even if it's a little but at the same time they are siblings. Julia could basically do this for future favors from Jason. Maybe it isn't evolving, but perhaps Julia is building up what I would like to call favor points. For everytime she does something good for Jason, he has to do something of equal importance in return. Maybe I'm just thinking too hard when I should be sleeping

  4. I agree with you when you said that Jason cannot smoke a cigarette but I don't think that Jason feels left out because he is even supposed to be doing that so I don't think that he should feel left out.

    1. I honestly don't know what I did when I made this one, there are so many points that I could have worked on and explained. Why did you agree with me when I said he couldn't smoke the cigarette? Jason himself said that he couldn't do it and is ashamed of himself :I

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
