Thursday, March 23, 2017

Blog #8 (Black Swan Green) Rocks thoughts and Reactions + Summary(ish)

This chapter revolves around Jason's household and a bit about the Falkland War. It starts with the sinking of the sheffield and later on talking about how Jason reacts to it along with his family. Jason notes down a lot that has happened in the war, but every time it is mentioned, he says that Tom Yew is most likely ok.Why does he care? Aside from this, Jason's parents get into a argument when Jasons mother mentions building a rockery and she fights pretty hard which goes to show how much she really wanted it as she usually as said by Jason is ok with being told no, but she argued over it this time. If my memory served correctly, then the father says that he's the "Bread winner" as he earns all the money and all the mother does is drain money for pointless things and cook.After this argument blows over, then Jason and Julia rate the argument. A three star from Julia and Four stars from Jason(or the other way around). Later on it was said that Tom Yew has died and he has written something in a letter to say. Then, the mother got the rockery that she wanted, a lot of rocks has been delivered and was dropped on the driveway of the house(the mother complained about it, Dad didn't mention it) which was later moved in the creation of the rockery. When the rockery was completed, koi fishes were placed in the water. The mother talks about how the Koi fishes will probably outlive the family since they represent a long life. I fell that this rockery is in some way a desperate attempt to try to keep the family together while the koi fishes represent the family. At the end the Koi fish was taken away from a bird and is most likely dead due to water being the only area a fish can survive. In some way i feel that this represents the family as it is under immense tensity,(like the cold war) and like how the birds took off with the fish, the family can easily fall apart from any given moment.


  1. This was the one I put the least amount of effort in.... it's pretty bad. Please comment anything I missed :D

  2. I love the use of the images, it really places what is going on in the chapter.

    The mother talks about how the Koi fishes will probably outlive the family since they represent a long life.

    What do you think the Koi might also represent? Why was she so angry that the fish was eaten?
