Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blog #7 (Black Swan Green) Bridle Path Thoughts and reactions+summary

So much has happened but i feel that only two or three is actually important.Jason wakes up and quickly discovers that he is home alone due to his mother and sister going to London and his father being at a conference for the weekends. This left Jason alone to do whatever he wants in the house. He messes around and reads the note his mother left him, he has a key so he an go outside. He looks at birds flying from the distance in a V format. He arches to follow them and wonders what was stopping him.He decides to go out and sees the Bridle Path sign which leads to him ponding a thought about Bridle Path and remembers that Tom Yew along with Pete Redmarley  went up Bridle Path  only to find it being blocked by a new estate in Malvern Wells. Jason thinks that if he looks for a new mysterious path since he will be recognized for finding something that no one else could've found and feels that if this happens, he will be famous (or more respected). He decides follow the path and his first encounter is a pack of dobermans that bark fiercely at him. Their owner scolds him and tells him to leave. Jason does leave, but a couple second in the old man releases to Dobermans and tells them to chase after him by opening the gate that repelled the beast from pouncing on Jason. Jason makes a run for it but he falls and catches a glimpse of the leaping dogs, he screams like a little girl ( I would too, Heck i'd be begging for mercy) and scrunches up into a ball. After a while of anticipating the dogs arrival, he looks to check if they were running towards him and to his surprise he finds that they were gone. Jason says that the man hates him for not being born in the area and he couldn't argue with that ( There are many reason why this argument is complete $#!%). Jason makes it with a couple bruises, but other than that Jason was fine. This makes me think one thing, and that is where did the old man and the dogs go? But at the same time it doesn't matter since Jason is fine now. Jason walks into a field and when he is halfway in, he spotted three kids on a old railway embankment. He walked their way since they noticed him and if he changed his course, he would be chicken. Jason says that he was lucky he didn't change course since the three were Grant Burch, Philip Phelps(Grant's little servant ) and Ant Little. There was also Squelch and Dean Moran(A.K.A Moron). Apparently Grant was supposed to fight Ross Wilcox. Before this Jason is asked if he wanted to smoke and Jason felt the need to do so since the guys were older and it would hurt his reputations and when he successfully smokes the cigarette, he glanced Grants way to see if he was impressed. Grant doesn't notice and Ross shows up. After a INTENSE battle, Grant and ross tumbled over a edge and Grant busted his wrist leaving him vulnerable and losing. Grant says it's a draw but Ross thinks otherwise(I could've kicked their asses with one hand tied behind my back...with the help of a weapon) Grant decides to leave with his servant and Jason along with Dean were standing there until Wayne Nashend (He came with Ross) pointed them out. Dean dismissed it and says he was on his way to stay with his Gran, as for Jason who got asked the same question couldn't really change it up as Hangman tied his tongue so he couldn't stay anything to get out of the problem. Jason was desperate, but Dean saved him as he said that they were both going to his Gran. Jason and Moron then go off into Bridle Path together and Jason mentions the old man, Dean tells him that the guy's name was Kit Harris (also known as Badger)  and he is a teacher despite being a psychopath.Afterwards Jason tells him that he was actually going to look for the lost tunnel and surprisingly enough, Dean was too. Dean tells him a bit about three tunnels and where they lead to.Dean says that he got the information from the guy his father buys horse feces from for his garden. Dean then reveals a bit about his domestic life and it is revealed that his father gets drunk and does regrettable things and when he is back to normal, he says he will never touch the liquor again which isn't exactly true either since he has done it numerous times ( safe to say that the father doesn't learn his lesson)  When his father gets drunk, people say that is when he shows his true colors, which Dean doesn't want to believe. Jason falls asleep and when he wakes up, Dean was no where to be found. This pissed Jason and he is calls him a traitor, he also decides that he wouldn't talk or Dean if he finds him to leave him  for dead. He then proceeds on and meets Dawn Madden (The tomboy girl from chapter one) He learns that Dawn madden lives in a medium sized field and when he asks her questions he was wondering why he hasn't stammered yet (Wonders if Dawn Madden took away his Stammering for a moment) but he thought that his questions were more in general (Like simple questions).  Jason asked for her knife and by sheer luck the handle hit his rib instead of the blade. Jason complains and Dawn couldn't care any less. Jason sensed Dawn Madden's stepfather since Jason said that he "beamed hate rays" his way. She asked him if he was hungry and Jason says yes (Not directly but sort of ). when she gives him the food she wants him to eat it like a dog and when he eats the last part ( Just a cherry) Dawn gets pissed and Jason wonders if she means it or is just playing. She puts a arrow to his neck ( His adam's apple) and want him to pay for it. Jason said he could have swatted the arrow away, but he had a Boner...my only question is WHY?! The little guy from beneath his pants should learn how to read the mood. She tells him to leave by the count of twenty since he doesn't have anything to repay her or else she would tell her step-father that he groped her (Probably what he fantasies ). She then tell him if he isn't gone by the count of thirty she will tell her stepfather that he touched her up (Glad i don't know what that means). She even says that her step father keeps a shotgun above the kitchen dresser and he might mistaken Jason for a "wickle fwuffy wabbit". Jason then proceeds on and he says if Dawn fancies him since she wouldn't give her only Danish pastry to just any kid who happened along. He then says that he fancies her (so he does like her). Jason does know that there are major differences between them, including what type of classes they are in and where they live. He hasn't even kissed a girl before (FEELS!!!! #RELATABLE). Jason continues on and finds a big tree so climbs it and he carves something inside a heart onto the tree bark (D.T 4 DM which i'm guessing is Jason Taylor for Dawn Madden or something like that) Jason says that he will bring Dawn to the tree and says that if when he will first kiss her... and more. When he was about to go down, he overhears a man's voice and a woman's voice. He finds out that it is Tom Yew and Debbie Crombie, and he could have said hi and it would have been fine, however Jason likes being invisible so he hangs up a bit longer. He immediately noticed that they were going to do something, so he tried to come up with something to say without stammer-words in it, but before he could do that they already moved on to the next stage. Long story short, Jason saw something he cannot unsee and he will have to live with himself with that thing in mind...THAT burden which could've been avoided if he said hi and not played the invisible man. Jason had mixed feeling though as he did say he was nervy, sick, jealous, sluggy and many more thing, he even went on to say that he wasn't proud and not please which doesn't mean he doesn't ever want to do it himself. HE says that the noise they made weren't human. He then waits for them to leave ( they feel asleep. correct me if i'm wrong) so before he could do so, Tom Yew had a nightmare (maybe he has PTSD and had a sudden Panic Attack since he did serve in the army). Jason if then on his way (No explanation on how he left) and he comes across a dead body of a kid his age which turned out to be Jean.(For the sake of making this short I'll make it simpler. Any question you have will be answered in comments) Jean laughs for scarring Jason and Jason mentions him waking up to not find him. Jean and Jason talk about their experiences after Jean left (even including a part of the Tom Yew and Debbie Crombie ordeal) . They continue on  and at that point the path was narrowed to a single file and stumble across a pruney man they notice there was a wild bee hive above the man and they wonder if he's a bee keeper.  The man was described by Jason and they wonder if they can get past him. They hear a noise growing in volume so they make a run for it  and go into a missing slat under a fence and they find themselves near a empty mansion and they are parched. They see that there was a drink (Lemon and orange Squash) so they decided to go and get a drink off it and only were able to drink lemon due to the squash having ants drown in it. People began coming in and their escape route was closing up so when Jason whispered over to Dean, he quickly discovers him going across the missing slat from where they came from. When Jason has no way out he decides to take his situation to a different approach. When a nurse asked for Augustin Moans, Jason tells her if it was the old man and points to where they saw him. The nurse mistakes him for Augustin Moans and says the he left her with a child. She turned out to be another person who  borrowed a Nurse costume and when a real nurse came she tried to tell her that Jason isn't who she thought he was. After that the lady now revealed to be Rosemary opened her mouth wider than anything Jason would've imagined and began to wail louder than anything. Jason wonder's why she is she crying and if it was for Grant and his broken wrist, or Squelch for coming out too soon, or Deans father and his problem, or for Mr. Castle's wife and her huddled Nerves, or for that kid who was fed to Badgers dogs. One thing that i do think about why she is wailing is for her life. Maybe is probably saddened for everything that has happened to her when Augustin Moans left her and left her life in shambles. So from what i can gather from this chapter is that it tells the experiences of Jason when he is going along Bridle Path to find the missing tunnel or whatever it was.


  1. This one was mega long D: i done did it again. I chose the picture since he is being dragged into many situations on his way to look for this mysterious tunnel thing or whatever it was. The picture showed what i wanted as there are many hands that will drag you towards a situation you don't want to be in, which is much like Jason as he wouldn't have wanted to come across what he has experienced on his way towards his goal.

  2. What do you think about Jason's feelings towards Dawn Madden? What do you think it shows about Jason?

  3. I'm really enjoying these very in depth responses! You have some great analytical skillz(did that on purpose). Also the dedication to do this blog post for 2 hours truly impresses me. Keep it up!

    1. Gee thanks, I'll be posting a blog for rocks tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't as long as this :I
