Friday, April 14, 2017

Blog #13 (Black Swan Green) Souvenirs writing prompt

Prompt:Describe the relationship between Jason and his parents during his holiday with each parent. What does Jason learn about each parent? How do they connect and bond together?

This is fairly easy since we talked about it in class... I don't remember though. The relationship between Jason and his parents seem to be a lot closer when they are together individually. When Jason was with his father, He was treated very nicely and the father wanted to take him out for a movie. This didn't go as planned since Jason hung out with someone who worked for Jason's father and then wait on him all night. He makes up for this by taking Jason out to fly his kite out at Dawn the following day.  Jason's father is acting differently for some strange reason and the same would go for his mother as she smothers Jason to an extent. She gives Jason 10 pounds which was twice the amount he received from his father. She also is going to bring Jason to the movies. They both are being awfully nice to Jason at the moment. We can easily assume that they are divorcing and they are having this little competition of getting Jason's love to get his custody. This is backed up when Jason begins to ask his mother if they could go somewhere nice on vacation with his dad and she said lets wait and see. I mean that is a dead give away that they are going to split up. Jason doesn't seem to notice this though, so he is just trying to enjoy it while he can. He learns a couple things he didn't know about his mother and father. He was told a bit of his fathers childhood (You don't need to know) and his father taught him how to send a Kite telegram. He also learns that his father is a wimp (Or just me) since he didn't stand for his son when his boss says that the rock he had was a trilobite instead of a lytoceras fimbriatum upset Jason. The father show's that Jason isn't really his number one priority, even when the parents are on the verge of splitting up. Jason also learns that his mother can handle a brat or two. He had never seen her be so stern before as she usually kept quiet about things (Never a good thing, leads to people snapping). They connect and bond together since Jason is getting alone time with his parents separately and he is learning many new things about them that he hasn't known before. Examples being that Jason never knew his dad had some knowledge on fossils, or how his mother is able to be so stern. Aside from this kind of "Bond" and "Connection" the idea of them spending individually time together tells us something. It can easily foreshadow that the parents will split up and the mother or the father of Jason will have him. So this little "Vacation" can serve as a competition for the two parents to earn his love. This is because they will have to get his custody and the sooner The parents can get Jason to like them over the other would make it easy when they fight for Jason's custody. I don't know. I can't really think straight. Correct me if i missed anything in the comments, these are starting to become tedious to make.


  1. Do you think that Jason's parents are trying to come closer to him for his custody? If they really want to stay with him then they must try to develop their relationship and put some effort what most parents keen to save their family does (somewhat like Jason's mother). Only if any parent is really apathetic about their family and wants to get off that (in this case I think its his father). Its only my point of view.

  2. Very interesting blog. I enjoyed the variety of details and overall explanation of the entire chapters.

  3. that was what i was trying to imply. I understand that they mush develop, but they think that they will get his custody if they buy his love. Your point of view is fine, there is one minor thing, wasn't I implying that they were trying to get his love, so that Jason would go to either parent. I mean.. I explained it like at the middle of this paragraph
